As a parent we believe that every moment of your baby is a magical milestone and worth cherishing. That is why we want to create the cleanest and safest environment to welcome a baby into world

THE PETIT SOLDIER now works in partnership with WaterAid. When you purchase our products we will donate £1 to WaterAid and transform a child’s life, allowing more miracles to happen.
Our PRIMARY cottons are not bleached so they are absolutely free of phosphors and other chemicals, and presented in a beautiful natural beige color

We are happy to welcome a new addition to your family! Join our Mummy club to receive blessings from other mummies!

Our PRIMARY cottons are not bleached so they are absolutely free of phosphors and other chemicals, and presented in a beautiful natural beige color

As a parent we believe that every moment of your baby is a magical milestone and worth cherishing. That is why we want to create the cleanest and safest environment to welcome a baby into world

We are happy to welcome a new addition to your family! Join our Mummy club to receive blessings from other mummies!

THE PETIT SOLDIER now works in partnership with WaterAid. When you purchase our products we will donate £1 to WaterAid and transform a child’s life, allowing more miracles to happen.